
Graham with Nikki Giovanni at the University of Kansas, 2017.

Maryemma Graham

Educator. Scholar. Biographer.

“We all have a duty to play a role in this battle for our humanity, our common humanity.  We must take it seriously and do the outreach necessary to demonstrate that there is a world in which we can get along, in which we can productively disagree, in which we can shape together a common future.”

– Ruth J. Simmons

Recommended Reading:

Ruth J. Simmons, Up Home: One Girl’s Journey (Random House 2023)

Courtney Thorson, The Sisterhood: How A Network of Black Women Writers Changed American Culture (Columbia 2023)

Jarvis R. Givens, Fugitive PedagogyCarter G. Woodson and the Art of Black Teaching ( Harvard 2021)

John Lewis/Kabig Sehgal, Carry On: Reflections for a New Generation (Grand Central 2021)

Daryl Cumber Dance, Land of the Free Negroes, A Historical Novel (Adducent 2020)